Monthly Archives: September 2017
Easier to Play the Game
It’s much easier to play a game when you know the rules so you can avoid mistakes that may keep you from winning. Homeownership isn’t a game but there are some rules that will protect your investment and increase your enjoyment. Most people want a home of their own to raise their family, share with … Continue reading Easier to Play the Game → Read More
Protecting Your Credit
One of the “big” three credit bureaus recently announced that a massive hack has exposed the personal information of up to 143 million people. To add perspective to that statement, that is about two-thirds of American credit card holders or close to half the population of the United States. Part of protecting your credit is … Continue reading Protecting Your Credit → Read More
Investing on Your Side of the Fence
The grass tends to look greener on the other side of the fence. Maybe that’s why some people invest in things they don’t understand. It has been said that the grass is just as hard to mow on the other side of the fence so stay with what your most familiar. Single-family homes used for … Continue reading Investing on Your Side of the Fence → Read More
Deductible Dilemma
The purpose of insurance is to shift the risk of loss to a company in exchange for a premium. Most policies have a deductible which reduces the amount of the claim that is paid by having the insured share in the first part of the loss. In the process of managing insurance premiums, policy holders … Continue reading Deductible Dilemma → Read More